Cobra Posts

For The Interviews: 





White Dragon Society. This group represents interests of some old Chinese royal lineages, supported with many martial arts groups around the world. Their contact person is Benjamin Fulford. Their main motivation is to bring down the Cabal, but their motives may not be completely pure, as they see their role in the new society after the Event as a little bit too dominant and controlling. They also have a strong financial interest in the funds that will be released after the take down of the Cabal. Actually the Resistance had some problems with them in February at secret negotiations about the new financial system and this has resulted in some delays in timeline for the Event.



April 22, 2012

Japan forgives $3.7 billion of Myanmar's debt - thank you White Dragons!

Japan said Saturday it will forgive about 300 billion yen ($3.7 billion) of Myanmar's debt and resume development aid as a way to support the country's democratic and economic reforms.

The government made the announcement after a meeting between Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and Myanmar President Thein Sein following a summit with leaders from the five nations of the Mekong River region.

More here:



 July 5, 2012

" There is a soul group that keeps reincarnating with the sole purpose of fighting against the Cabal and setting the planet free. In the middle ages, they were fighting against the Inquisition. In the 17th and 18th centuries they were fighting against the Jesuits. Now, they are mostly against the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. This group is the cavalry that is coming.

You can find them now inside the Positive Military, inside Templar groups, inside Faction 2, among members of the White Dragons Society, infiltrated inside various networks of the Cabal and among many freedom fighters inside the general human population. If you feel a burning desire for freedom of this planet and you are actually doing something about it, you may well be part of this group!

Each one of us is unique and irreplaceable. There is a higher divine plan which strategically positions each of the Light warriors in a mandala that only the Source has a complete overview of. This mandala is functioning with its full power only if each one of us does his mission. So do your part! If you do not know what your part is, keep searching for it, keep asking for it and you will find it. You do not need to fight with a gun. You can also fight for the Light with a clear vision, with a brilliant mind, with the power of the written word and by many other means. 

Attacking and criticizing messengers such as Benjamin Fulford, Cobra, David Wilcock or Drake is not a wise strategy to help the Light forces. What the messengers do is they only relay info. They are NOT responsible for delays or missed deadlines. 
 The plan for the planetary liberation is real and mass arrests play a vital part of this plan. Be aware that Disclosure, First Contact and Golden Age can not happen before the Cabal is removed

 No action will be taken by the Positive Military that could potentially endanger human masses, therefore they will move only when everything is ready. 




 July 5, 2013

Victory of the Light in Egypt

" As you probably know, a big victory of the Light has been achieved.  In the first large scale coordinated action of the Positive Military in the human history, the Archon-infested Muslim Brotherhood has been removed from power in Egypt.

  This action is a result of many months of careful preparation and joint cooperation between the Positive Military, Templars, Resistance Movement and even White Dragons, supported by the human masses.

  This was one of the main rehearsals for the Event. The experience at the Event will be similar in a way, although it will happen on a scale hundred times larger. The Resistance has gathered a lot of precious intel about the behavior of human population in situations like this, which will be very useful in fine-tuning the masterplan for the Event.  "



September 10, 2013

 Free Energy Development

 " There is a great project with the purpose of bringing free energy devices to the people, created by Hope Girl and Fix the World organization. You might want to read more about it here:

And participate in the project here:

There are similar projects taking place behind the scenes and I might soon be able to report about one such project, involving the White Dragons Society, as it gets declassified. 


September 11th , 2013

The Eastern Alliance sprang into action. The Eastern Alliance is a loose group of BRICS government officials, Interpol personnel, members of Chinese and Russian military forces, White Dragons Society and Positive Templars who work under indirect guidance of the Resistance Movement to liberate this planet. 

BRICS group has announced the creation of a new global bank that will become one of the building blocks of the new financial system:
Vladimir Putin, the spokesman of the Eastern Alliance, has made steps to expose the actions of the Cabal to the masses during the current Syria crisis:




September 29, 2013

" There is a lot of misunderstanding about the bonds the Cabal was issuing since the 1930s. These bonds can be never repaid back since the Cabal does not have the gold they stole throughout the ages from humanity anymore. They are also very short on liquid cash and that little they have is far from enough to repay even a small fraction of those bonds. 
The purpose of these bonds is not to extract value from the Cabal but to use them as a tool to enforce the bankruptcy of their corrupt financial system when the time is right. 
Historical owners of all that gold and bonds that represent it are not the Chinese, nor Keenan, nor White Dragons Society, nor anybody appointed M1 (monetary controller). The institute of M1 is a creation of the Cabal. The owner and true heir is humanity as a whole and after the Event the collateral accounts will be transferred to humanity in total. 
After the Event the Resistance will return the gold to humanity and it will be stored on the surface of the planet to underwrite the new financial system. Therefore that gold will not be traded in open market, whereas gold in private ownership will be traded and exchanged freely.
This structuring of the new financial system is one part of a secret agreement which was made between 57 members of the Eastern Alliance in the Monaco Accords meeting in August 2011. 
No new M1 will be appointed. No member of the Cabal will be allowed anywhere close to the collateral accounts, let alone the new Jesuit pope, and most of those people will be arrested anyway. 

Various groups that are working to liberate the financial system from the hands of the Cabal (White Dragons, Keenan, OPPT) will have advisory role and a council of government officials democratically elected after the Event will be the trustees of the collateral accounts. The whole system will be completely transparent and this transparency will be supervised by the Resistance Movement. 

This new financial system will be only a temporary solution as true cashless society will be created on the surface of this planet after the First Contact, backed up by advanced spiritual technologies of the Galactic Confederation. This cashless society will recognize true value of incarnated human souls and will provide them with physical and spiritual abundance.



 The Dragon Gate is a sister underground organization parallel to the White Dragon Society. Long time ago, both groups were actually one. But after the Rothschilds, assisted by the Triads,  overthrew the Qing dynasty of China in Xinhai revolution in 1912, both groups had to go underground and they began opposing the Cabal from behind the scenes and then their paths began to diverge. The White Dragon Society (as some people in the West call it now)  focused more on political, military and financial opposition to the Cabal: 

At the same time, the Dragon Gate began to focus more on the development of the advanced technologies and spiritual liberation process from the grip of the etheric Archons. Both groups are cooperating behind the scenes to assist in the liberation of the planet and their methods are complementary. 

There is a new advanced healing technology which has been released by the Dragon Gate: the Mandala Sphere Laser System. Now the Dragon Gate has contacted our Phoenix Group, which is our small highly skilled team dedicated to bringing advanced healing technologies to humanity, to help spreading this technology among people.  
The Mandala Sphere Laser System emits white laser, forming sacred geometric patterns of coherent light, through the geometric structure of pure tachionized crystal spheres, producing a uniquely resonating field of light. White laser delivers the ideal color spectrum to obtain the optimum resonance of each crystal.

This sacred geometric mandala field delivers informational resonances, received through the human energetic and informational fields (aura), producing substantial mental, emotional and physical benefits.

Included with the Mandala Sphere is a fiber optic crystal wand for local physical application to the energetic and informational delivery points of the body and a set of programmable crystals for remote and portable application, as well as a photoporation capsule.

The Mandala Sphere also includes a mandala computer library with a wide selection of wave forming mandalas promoting protection, prosperity, success, energizing, happiness, clearing, healing, implant removal, DNA activation, emotional state altering, positive influence on outcomes, clarity of purpose, and relationship harmonizers.


One of the most amazing properties of this laser technology is that it is the most powerful tool on the planet which assists us in removing the etheric implants. This is the closest technology to the Pleiadian light chamber as we can get on the surface of this planet.
You can read more about this technology and order it here:

And Tachyon technologies here:  
There are many developments behind the scenes regarding bringing free energy technology to the masses and if all goes well, I will be able to report about it soon.



November 28, 2013 

The Jesuit Agenda

 "The Jesuit agenda is to infiltrate the Eastern Alliance with its agents and hijack the process of creating the new financial system. Needless to say, top people within the Eastern Alliance are aware of this and will not let it happen. Also, top members of the White Dragon Society have learned their lesson after their predecessors were fooled decades ago when they surrendered much of their gold to Jesuit agents for worthless pieces of paper (US government bonds). The White Dragons are much more careful now, especially as the Jesuits are trying to infiltrate them through Te-Wu, the Chinese secret intelligence agency. "





 July 20, 2014 
Report about the Taiwan Conference

" Taiwan is one of the main seats of the Dragon families. Unfortunately, my contacts with the Dragons have revealed that the families are not united and there is quite a great deal of infiltration and also a great need for spiritual guidance. The Blue and the Azure will provide that."

Monday, September 8, 2014 
Planetary Situation Update

" Although the Black Nobility Archons keep losing power daily, their Jesuit minions keep infiltrating the Eastern Alliance and the Dragons, hoping to create a new world war between the East and the West. Their plans will not be successful, as key people within the Eastern Alliance and the Dragon groups are well aware of the infiltration. "


September 16, 2014 

A New Planetary Situation Update

" the Jesuits are continuing with their plan for one world religion 

They are also concentrating their attack on the Romanov White Nobility family. According to Fulford, the main spokesman for the Gnostic Illuminati who claims to be descendant of the Romanovs, was taken into a mental hospital last week. Then on Monday, the oldest member of the Romanov dynasty has died in Tuscany:
Jesuit agents are trying to turn the plans of the BRICS alliance to remove the petrodollar supremacy of the military-industrial complex into plans to use global currency reset for the Jesuit plan of world domination. You need to know that Jesuits were infiltrating China since the 16th century and they have a vast network there. Regardless, the top people within the Dragons and the Eastern Alliance are fully aware of the Jesuit manipulations and will NOT allow their positive plans to be misused."



...Dragon groups are still searching for sincere inventors without any personal agenda that have a working overunity prototype which can be immediately put into mass production and does NOT require additional funding. Those inventors can contact us at .

It is more likely that overunity technologies will be released at the Event, or the release might come gradually even before that through government channels of the BRICS nations, especially India, China or Russia. These countries are working intensively on decoupling the global financial system from the petrodollar and thus effectively decreasing global control of the US negative military/Chimera on free energy technologies:

Dragon sources are suggesting that in addition to overunity technologies we temporarily shift our focus into other advanced technologies that do not trigger so many personality issues. Some of those technologies have been released already:
There was a lot of progress in development of laser healing technologies. In addition to Mandala Sphere laser healing system, Mandala Scan can evaluate the state of our physical and energy bodies whereas Mandala Light Space is an advanced biofeedback system that can teach us how to reach higher states of consciousness. You can read more about those exciting new technologies here:

There was also some progress in Pleiadian Tachyon technologies.
You can read about the Pleiadian Stargate here:
And about other Tachyon technologies here:



In the West, Agartha network was integrated with the Resistance Movement more than a decade ago. In the East, it was kept as a separate entity until now for security reasons.

Eastern (Asian) Agartha network was created 25,000 years ago when many immortals (xian) left the surface of the planet:
And created an underground kingdom of Light in their grotto-heavens:
I took this photo in one such cave recently somewhere in Asia:

Eastern Agartha network is the source of Taoist alchemy and immortality teachings:
Up until a few centuries ago, many taoist monasteries had access to the underground Agartha network through a cave or a tunnel near or under the monastery.
A certain Dragon group is still a guardian of those entrances and portals.
Eastern Agartha network is a very distinct underground culture about which not much has been written:
They occasionally make contact with the surface population, as you can read in this very interesting book:
Last year in November, as we were approaching the IS:IS Portal activation in December, an important integration process was initiated between the Resistance Movement and the Eastern Agartha network. Many protocols were exchanged and a thorough clearing process has been initiated, since the uppermost subterranean layer up to 30 meters (100 feet) below the surface in Asia was and to some extent still is a hiding place for Cabal-related individuals and their crime syndicates, in the same way as underground tunnels not too deeply below Naples in Italy are still a hiding place for the Mafia. 
During and after the IS:IS Portal activation, a high level connection was made between the Resistance Movement, the Eastern Agartha network and the Andean Agartha network. Nothing more can be released about that connection at this point. 
At the IS:IS Portal activation, a cosmic Goddess named Dou Mu has left her home star system, teleported into the Eastern Agartha network and then arrived on the surface of the planet. Now she lives in her physical Light body on a very powerful vortex point on the surface somewhere is Asia, channeling cosmic Goddess archetypes of Nut (sky), Maat (justice) and Hathor (love) for the planet, with members of a certain Dragon group being her guardians:
This is a very significant development as it has initialized the Breakthrough phase for the planetary liberation and the beginning of the disintegration of the Veil. This is the first time in many millennia that a cosmic extraterrestrial entity of Light is living on the surface of this planet. 
Dou Mu is the Goddess who has activated Halaf/Hassuna-Samarra vortex 7000 years ago. Now she has returned to the planet to heal that vortex, as Islamic State militants are trying to destroy the feminine in that area:
Presence of Dou Mu already has positive effects, since after the IS:IS Portal activation high ranking government officials are starting to refuse to use the name Isis for the Islamic State:

Taiwan is one of main places with strong Dragon presence and a deep connection with Eastern Agartha network. 
The first Breakthrough conference will therefore take place in Taiwan, on January 24th and 25th. You are more than welcome to join us:




Thursday, January 29, 2015 
Taiwan Conference Report / Solar System Situation Update

" Taiwan conference was a huge success. Because Taiwan is one of the main centers of the positive Dragon forces, it could grow a very strong Lightworker and Lightwarrior community. The conference took place very close to the location where Taiwanese Dragon families hid their gold after they escaped from mainland China after WWII. "


We have entered a new cycle, the Chinese year of the sheep. This is the time when victory is achieved by gentleness and not by brutal force:

Being in the new cycle, it is time now to release some intel about the Red and the Blue.
The Blue Dragons originate from secret Taoist groups connected with the Agartha network. Together with secret Pythagorean Order they have ignited the spark of Renaissance in Italy:
It may be interesting to note that Leonardo da Vinci was merely copying old Chinese texts for his famous »inventions«.
Nothing more can be said about the Blue, except that some of them are guardians of the portals. 
The Red Dragons originate from the military forces of the Ming dynasty. 
The Archons wanted to destroy the power of the Ming. Their first strike was to overthrow the Ming by Archon-controlled Manchu tribes that invaded from the north, took over Beijing and started the Qing dynasty:
Then Qing emperor Kangxi invited Jesuits to China:
The Red Dragons were working secretly in the Qing imperial court and in the military forces against Manchu and Jesuit invaders:

The events that took place in the Qing imperial court in the 18th century have much more influence on the present geopolitical situation than most people realize.
During early 19th century, the Rothschilds took control over China through the Opium wars:
The Red were forced to keep a low profile, but disguised as Eight Trigrams secret society they still managed later to organize the Boxer rebellion, an attempt to throw the Jesuits and the Rothschilds out of China:
The Rothschilds, however, tightened their grip over China in the 20th century:
Most intel in the above article is correct, except that Chiang Kaishek in reality was never supporting the Cabal, but the Dragons instead. 
Here, a few explanations are necessary. The triads are NOT working for the Dragons, but mostly for the Cabal. However, many Dragon agents have infiltrated the triads and recenly, some or even most triads may or may not be secretly assisting the overthrow of the Cabal:
The Rothschilds still have quite much control over mainland China, with many agents infiltrated into the government structure, with their operating base in Hong Kong. However, lately the Red are giving tactical support to the Chinese government to weed out Rothschild infiltration. 
Macau is the operating base for the Black Nobility and Jesuit operations in China. Henry Breakspear, the head of a major Archon bloodline, lives in Macau.
Taiwan is the operating base for many positive Dragon families. They were forced out of mainland China after the communist revolution.
The Red Dragon families originate from the positive faction of the Draconian race. Their purpose is to defeat their archenemies the Jesuits (Andromedan/Orion hybrids) and the Rothschilds (Orion black magi). They are valiant protectors and guardians of justice.
You need to understand that Red Dragons today are not the same as soldiers of a Ming emperor. They have kept up with the progress of technology and they have access to a considerable military power in a way that will not be described here. Also, their computer specialists are savvy enough to reset the global financial system with the push of a button if the need for that arises. 
Since the Chinese new year, the Red are becoming more active. They have their own plans with the unholy four. They are the secret force behind Putin:



Tuesday, March 31, 2015 
The Alliance Fleet

" Most representatives of the Dragon families originate from the positive faction of the Draconian race."



It is time to begin the process of Disclosure. Therefore I am releasing two relatively recent genuine images, coming from the Dragon sources, related to the Disclosure process. I have been instructed by the Light forces not yet to reveal what exactly is on those two images, because human mind then starts to speculate and intellectualize. It is much more important for the people to have a direct energetic experience of the images.

In the future, whenever I will release genuine images, I will say so explicitly.


Sunday, July 5, 2015 
Planetary Situation Update

" Dragon sources have communicated to me that the Eastern Alliance will support Greece in its fight for freedom and financial independence from the Cabal. And sure enough, news about that support are already in the media:



August 20, 2015 

Secret of Immortality

" The twelve elders of the Brotherhood of the Star, located in a certain undisclosed underground location in the Himalayas, are maintaining the same physical bodies for the last 26,000 years.
Brotherhood of the Star has transmitted secrets of immortality to the Blue Dragons through Xi WangMu, the Goddess of immortality, thousands of years ago:
Based on her teachings, advanced members of the Blue were able to live in the same bodies for hundreds of years. 

Brotherhood of the Star has transmitted immortality teachings to the West through their member and alchemist Nicolas Flamel. 

Many members of the Brotherhood of the Star in the West were very influential in Priory of Sion and within Rosicrucian circles. One of them, Rene d'Anjou, is the single key person that has changed the course of human history for the better more than anyone else in the last thousand years. He is the one that has ignited the light of the Renaissance: 
His emblem, the Cross of Lorraine, is the occult symbol of triangulaton of Light and darkness, the principle of overpowering Light that absorbs darkness and by the process of alchemical transmutation, dissolves it. 
The region of Lorraine is a very important Goddess vortex which together with Untersberg and Venice Goddess vortexes holds the Light for Europe. The Chimera have tried to suppress this Goddess vortex by building a complex underground system of time-space distortion chambers, now already cleared by the Light forces, which was connected with Long island:
The Light forces, especially the Brotherhood of the Star and some advanced Blue Dragons, have supported the Goddess vortex of Lorraine by inspiring Art Nouveau glass making centers in Nancy, a city in the center of Lorraine. Many pieces of art glass from that period have embedded Light codes that activate the Goddess presence. Daum, a major creator of high quality art glass from Art Nouveau period, has signed his pieces with Cross of Lorraine:

One message of the Cross of Lorraine is that in every Archon or Black nobility family there are beings of Light incarnated who secretly or openly work for the Light and against the plans of the Cabal. "



Wednesday, August 26, 2015 
Planetary Situation Update

" The Cabal is trying to bring the Eastern Alliance to their knees by attacking China with events such as Tianjin explosion, which was ordered by the Jesuits and carried out by the Bush faction. Needless to say, their plans will not be successful. The Blue have been successful in calming down some of the Red and the Yellow (the political Dragon families) who wanted to retaliate and that could lead to a global war. Here the influence of DouMu is strongly felt. The Goddess wants peace and peace it will be. If you would like to understand more about the Red and their role in the coming events, here is a good summary:


Tuesday, October 6, 2015 
The Great Forgetting of 1996

" The Light forces have communicated to me that an alliance / coalition of Lightworkers / Lightwarriors, working towards the common goal of planetary liberation, and refraining from constant infighting, would need to be formed on the surface of the planet. Such alliance is crucial for the successful compression breakthrough. Dragon forces have communicated that such coalition would serve as a conduit for the energies that will be released at the moment of compression breakthrough to ease the transition. "

...Responding to the urgent need in the current planetary situation with implants, entity attachments and healing of human psyche, Dragon sources are constantly improving their technology for implant removal, entity removal, auric protection and healing of physical and non-physical bodies. This technology is now available here:!/Mandala-White-Star/p/45887832/category=11990044


Monday, November 23, 2015 
Event Meditation Pre-Report and Two Cobra Interviews

" In the meantime, you can read this joint Cobra/Red Dragon Ambassador interview by Rob Potter here:


Monday, November 30, 2015 
Event Meditation Report

" Our Event Meditation was a huge success and we were very close to reaching the critical mass. Dragon sources have communicated that positive timeline has been deeply stabilized and the Resistance has communicated that one huge layer of strangelet and toplet bombs has been removed. Since the meditation, there are intense negotiations taking place behind the scenes for full Disclosure and for complete and unconditional surrender of all Cabal factions, including the Chimera. "



" Dragon sources have communicated that current militia standoff in Oregon is a false flag operation which has been designed by the Cabal to test the reaction of militias to certain conditions. This situation will not escalate as the vast majority of the Cabal does not want civil war in USA, knowing very well that civil war would accelerate the process towards the Event and their final defeat. What they want instead is a state of controlled chaos and tension which enables them to keep control and delay the inevitable for as long as possible.

The following study clearly shows that in a stratified society with pronounced inequality, the elites can not survive the collapse of the society for much longer than the commoners, regardless of their superior material and financial resources:


There are massive preparations for the financial Reset happening behind the scenes. Veterans Today is hinting at the joint Positive Military / Templar / Dragon group that is preparing the Reset:


Friday, March 25, 2016 
Situation Update

" Dragon sources have communicated that in the near future, Turkey may be the trigger for a short but intense military escalation just before the planetary breakthrough. If that happens, a mass meditation will be announced on this blog to counteract that. "


Sunday, May 1, 2016 
Situation Update

" According to Dragon sources, communication between various factions below the surface of the planet has been initialized and healing of the split has begun. Resistance has communicated to me that they have attempted to reach out to Eastern Agarthan factions many times with mixed success. "



Monday, June 13, 2016 
Chania Conference Report and Two Cobra Interviews

" The second one was a joint interview with Randy Cramer, Red Dragon Ambassador and Rob Potter here:       "


Wednesday, June 22, 2016 
Situation Update

" The Rothschilds have contacted a certain Dragon group and began to negotiate:   ,

The negotiations are proceeding and other groups are now involved in the process. For the first time in history, those negotiations have reached the point where certain agreements can be reached. The key person in those negotiations is Nathaniel Rothschild "


Sunday, July 24, 2016 
Taiwan Ascension Conference Report

" Our Ascension conference was taking place in Taipei, the home base of many positive Dragon groups. The Blue, the White and the Black were together with us at the conference and the Plum were aware of our presence. "


Saturday, August 13, 2016 
Cobra Joint Interview with Red Dragon Ambassador, Alfred Labremont-Webre and Capt. Max Steel

" Read Cobra joint interview with Red Dragon Ambassador:   "


Monday, September 26, 2016 
Dragon Portal Initiation

Blue Dragons.


Now that the circus of the US elections is over, we can finally focus again on real intel.

The emergence of the Goddess DouMu to the surface of the planet a few years ago is the first sign of the return of the Light forces after their 26,000 years long exile. This was the first step towards the return of Agartha to the surface. Now the Blue are preparing the portals on the surface so that the Agarthans can contact the surface population again first energetically and then also physically after the Event.

For this purpose, many caves and cave entrances on the surface are prepared in a certain way that will be fully revealed at the Event.

Many of the caves worldwide were sacred places for various Light groups on the surface and many of them contain Goddess vortexes which will be activated at the Event:

For this purpose, we are actively searching for people who are guardians of such caves or know their location, to contact me at

In Chinese Taoist tradition, caves that serve as portals into Agartha are called grotto heavens:

The Blue are the guardians of those portals. Now lost to the outside world but still in the possession of the Blue, is the Chart of the True Forms of the Five Sacred Mountains, also called The Luminous Precious Scripture of the Five Talismans, a map of access points to the Agartha network that is 5000 years old. This chart resurfaced again 3000 years later and was then given to Blue guardians. 


Many of the grotto heavens are located in Taoist sacred mountains in China. There are two overlapping energy grids that connect these sacred mountains, with corresponding system of underground tunnels and cities of Agartha.

The first energy grid is based on five sacred mountains, one for each of four directions of the sky and one for the center:

The second energy grid is based on four sacred mountains:

Both energy grids have the main vortex intersection point near Chengdu, where the mysterious Sanxingdui civilization was located:

Chengdu is one of the 12 major energy vortexes of the Earth icosahedron grid:


Sanxingdui civilization was the main anchor point of an extraterrestrial faction from Thuban (alpha Draconis), the most prominent faction of the positive Draconians. They are one of the founding sources of Chinese culture and one of the main reasons why dragon as a symbol has positive connotations for Chinese. Thuban was a polar star 5000 years ago when Thuban Draconians descended on Earth, using Chendgu vortex as the entry point.

Sanxingdui means three stars mound in Chinese and the three stars are Thuban, Antares and Aldebaran. These three stars form a very strong energy triangle, Antares and Aldebaran being on one of the main galactic plasma Light filaments that allow interstellar travel through portals in this sector of the Galaxy.

Not far away from Thuban, on the Antares-Aldebaran galactic highway, is the star Dubhe, home of Goddess DouMu which belongs to an ancient humanoid positive civilization living on planets orbiting that star:

Goddess DouMu is now engaged in more active work with the portals on the surface of the planet in the new phase of preparations for the Compression Breakthrough which have begun in July.

Dragon sources have communicated that Jetsun Pema, the queen of Bhutan, is one of the main public embodiments of DouMu archetype on the surface of the planet:

Dragon sources have also said that DouMu is searching for more active contact with the surface population.

All this is part of the larger plan to reconnect the Agartha Network with the surface population after the Event.



April 7, 2017

Planetary Situation Update

" Realizing that they will not be allowed to go nuclear, the Chimera have resorted to trying to trigger a global war with conventional weapons.

Through the Archon and Jesuit network, they have pressured Trump to attack Syria:

Trump did this without approval from the Congress, which is a clear violation of the Constitution:

This military action helps the Archons in their attempt to retake Palmyra, a crucially important vortex point within the Syria pentagram:

The plan of the dark forces is to involve Turkey and Israel in the conflict, and expand it throughout the Middle East:

They are hoping of provoking Putin, but he is in contact with brilliant Pleiadian military strategists and most likely he will play it wisely, using diplomacy, international public opinion and military support to Syrian army rather that direct confrontation with the United States.

The international public is becoming more and more aware that the chemical gas attack in Idlib, which Trump used as a pretext to attack Syria, was a false flag:

Involving White Helmets:

Now Trump worshipers are finally beginning to sober up:

The Light forces will do whatever they can to limit the escalation of this military conflict as much as possible. Dragon sources have reconfirmed that this will be a short, intense but limited escalation. The Resistance is expecting the situation reaching its peak next Tuesday.

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!


 April 13, 2017 

Peace Meditation Report

" Dragon sources have communicated that certain representatives of the Cabal are now negotiating their surrender but the Resistance is very skeptical what will come out of this."



Monday, November 6, 2017
 Physical Intervention

" Dragons have also stated that “the Dark have gone too far and their actions are noted. Measures will be taken that the cosmic balance is reinstated.”



" With killing of a key person such as Isis Astara, the hostage liberation has shifted in the final, termination phase. During termination phase, there is swift physical action to liberate the hostages.

On January 27th morning, the Galactic High Command has decided to deploy its fleet in Medium Earth Orbit:

This information has come from two sources independently, from the Pleiadians and the Resistance. Dragon sources have confirmed this by stating that “ET invasion has begun”.

Medium Earth Orbit is a curious zone between Low Earth Orbit and High Earth Orbit with very few satellites positioned there. The only exception are a few satellites in Molniya orbit, among them Russian telecommunication satellites and Trumpet class of ELINT reconnaissance satellites:

The reason why Medium Earth Orbit is almost empty is because the region of altitude between 1000 miles (1600 km) and 8000 miles (12750 km) is the region where the innermost ring of Chimera-controlled Draco fleet was guarding quarantine Earth since its arrival in 1996.

This Draco fleet defense ring was penetrated on January 27th late in the evening by Galactic Confederation fleet and most of Draco forces eliminated in the following days. 


Here you can see cloudships that are cloaked Confederation motherships which were participating in “special operations” on January 28th in key exopolitical region in central Europe:


Monday, May 21, 2018 
Firing the Grid Update

" Dragon sources have communicated that holders of cintamani stones are part of the planetary grid for Compression Breakthrough. This grid now extends into the Agartha network. Cintamani is a sacred stone of the Agartha network. Dragons are asking everybody to treat cintamani stones with respect and are requesting people who are involved in surface cintamani grid, to refrain from having physical contact with their own cintamani stones in moments when they are having a conflict with other surface humans, or when they are in a extremely negative emotional state, to avoid contaminating the grid. "




 July 17, 2018

Planetary Ascension Process

"In Asia, the Jesuit / Rothschild / communist / turbocapitalist layer of China will be disintegrating rapidly and underlying positive Blue Dragon taoist culture, originating from Thuban (Alpha Draconis), will be fully activating its network of Light through the actions of Eastern Agartha network:



"Dark forces are using the same strategy for isolating me in order to prevent me from doing my mission. Certain key people who wanted to contact me, have received death threats if they would initiate contact.

Nevertheless, it is time to expand my team. This blog was not intended as a last hope resort for the most desperate, but a place where the most empowered people could turn the tide in the favor of planetary liberation.

For this reason, I am calling for new people to join my team. For joining the team, I am only interested in people who are mentally, emotionally, physically and financially stable, and who KNOW what is their mission. I am especially calling for representatives of positive Dragon, White Nobility, Secret Space Program, Mystery School, Intelligence or other similar positive groups that are working towards planetary liberation. I am also calling for people who can spread intel into the mass media, people who can finance large projects (1M and more) and women who are capable of anchoring Goddess energy in a pure and powerful way. "





February 18, 2020 

Endtime Madness Update

" A certain mainland Chinese Dragon group has communicated that if the situation with the coronavirus is not resolved very very soon, they will release evidence about Chinese Secret Space program through Chinese media outlets. "


March 16, 2020 

Endgame Scenarios

"As many people have noticed, all this creates ideal conditions for the mass arrest scenario.

I can confirm that the Positive Military has the plan to carry out mass arrests as has been released by Drake Bailey:

Dragon sources from mainland China are confirming this, saying that the current emergency allows the cleanup to take place, and that all this will become visible by April 15th.

Resistance has communicated that they can not confirm the Positive Military plan, but they are also not denying it. They have also stated that Positive Military is not the only faction at play, and that “there are also other scenarios involved”. They have added that mass arrests are NOT yet taking place, although the Positive Military is already involved in certain preparatory operations. 
Until all toplet bombs are removed, the Event can not happen, but a scenario similar to Delta Option is possible:

Light Forces have very recently managed to remove the vast majority of plasma anomaly on the surface of the planet along with the large part of the last layer of plasma toplet bombs. This is a big victory and it is one of the factors that has triggered the plans of the Positive Military. "


May 19, 2020 

Dragon Endgame

On the surface of the planet, the Positive Military and the Red and Blue Dragons are conducting operations behind the scenes to prepare for the Event. However, they are not yet completely connected to reliable extraterrestrial intel sources, so therefore their understanding of the extent of Draco/Chimera control of the planet (especially on the non-physical planes) is limited, and their intel sometimes not completely reliable. One such example would be the plan for mass arrests in April 2020 by the Positive Military.

Dragon sources from mainland China have communicated that after our meditation on April 4th, the Light forces are on a final critical offensive on all levels to achieve the liberation. They are expecting some big moves culminating in November 2020 at the time of US elections.

The leaders of Chinese positive secret societies are called the Red and the Blue (Azure):

They originate from Antarian Fleet which won some decisive battles against the dark during the Galactic wars. Their origin is the Antares star system, which is a binary star system of red supergiant Antares A and blue main sequence star Antares B:

Many of their subordinates within the Red and the Blue belong to the positive faction of Draconian race, the so-called Thuban Dracos, which they now incarnate in human bodies and are positioned deep within Chinese government (Red) and within Taoist spiritual groups (Blue):

Quoting Dragon sources about the Blue:

The Dragon Gate Society (lóngménpài 龙门派) of the Complete Reality School (全真派) of Taoism incorporates elements of Tibetean, Mongolian shamanism, Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism into a comprehensive form of Taoism. The Dragon Gate society is an offshoot of the Northern school of the Complete Reality Taoism. Its spiritual descent is traced to the thirteenth-century master Qiu Chang-chun, Chang-chun means "Eternal Spring". The master of Eternal Spring was one of the sages who advised and supported Genghis Khan to preserve the ancient civilization of China during the dark Mongol invasion. Genghis Khan appointed Chang-chun overseer of all spiritual traditions culture and knowledge in China, and the Dragon Gate sect thus played a critical role in the preservation of the China Tartary knowledge and acted as Guardians of knowledge and wisdom for China ever since, and now after 2009 are extending this to the entire world during this critical present time of threat and the evolution of humankind.”


Quoting Fulford about the Red:

"When the Manchus invaded China in 1644, the Ming army became an underground society aimed at overthrowing the Qing (Manchu) and restoring the Ming. They supported the Boxer Rebellion but were put down by imperialist powers. Later, with the help of overseas Chinese and the Japanese imperial family, the society managed to overthrow the last Emperor and install Sun Yat Sen in his place. They last appear in the history books as the Green Gang and the Red Gang that fiercely fought the Communists in Shanghai in the 1940's. They were defeated by the Communists in 1949 and once again became an underground organization. Since 1949 they have steadily increased their influence throughout China and the rest of the world. They have members at the very highest levels of the Chinese government but they are by nature anti NWO, and are not an official Chinese government organization."

The Red are now active in Taiwan and to a degree also in Japan through this organization:

Taiwan will have a very important role in the Event which can not be disclosed yet.

A very indirect hint:

Another Dragon source from mainland China has communicated that their threat to reveal the Chinese secret space program if the virus is not removed from China has borne results, as we now usually have less than 10 new confirmed coronavirus cases in mainland China daily.

They have suggested that their Western counterparts should take a similar approach and should seriously consider leaking classified intel about Western secret space programs.


June 2, 2020 

Peace Meditation

" According to Dragon and Resistance sources, the Cabal has a plan to flee from USA to China and hide there after the civil war in the USA, in a similar move to what happened with Nazis in Operation Paperclip after World War 2. Dragon sources are stating that this plan and the dark infiltration on the Chinese side is being dismantled right now by the positive Dragon elements and positive faction within the Chinese military.

Another Dragon source has communicated that if China tries to attack Taiwan, they will release ALL secret documentation about what the Chinese army is doing in Lop Nor, including the extraterrestrial and Secret Space Program aspect, through the mainstream Chinese media.

This Dragon source has also pointed to the following cryptic message:


June 15, 2020 

Age of Aquarius Activation Update and a New Cobra Interview

" 90 minutes after the Booster meditation, the Solar eclipse zone of totality will reach Chiayi city in Taiwan and activate a very special Dragon Vortex near Chiayi, which will give the necessary positive energy boost into the planetary energy grid."


Few days before the Booster meditation, our Taiwanese team has seen this Pleiadian cloudship which was doing gridwork preparation for the activation of Dragon vortex in Chiayi:

The Dragon vortex was successfully reactivated after more than 200 years of dormancy and our Taiwanese team has taken this photo mosaic of the annular Solar eclipse close to the location of that vortex:

Also, our meditation on April 4th had a huge effect on the planetary plasma field and on the Schumann resonance:


July 7, 2020 

Age of Aquarius Activation Report

" Dragon sources have communicated that at our Age of Aquarius activation, a positive timeline shift has occurred and are asking everybody to “focus only on writing your favorite, chosen life script. The more detailed visualization of the desired optimum life script one would wish for, the more confirming to the new timeline this be.”

Immediately after our activation there were signs in the sky around the world:

The positive timeline is already manifesting on the physical with the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell:

As a result of this, the concept of mass arrests is reaching mainstream media for the first time ever:


October 28, 2020 

Final Battle Update Part 2

" Exposure of child abuse networks is now going mainstream, as Taiwanese Dragon and other sources are exposing Hunter Biden and his involvement in those networks:

Taiwanese Dragons decided to go public with Hunter Biden story and intel about Chinese counterintelligence operations against the United States as a countermeasure against mainland Chinese threats to attack Taiwan. Dragon sources have repeatedly said that they will organize full disclosure of mainland Chinese secret space programs in the event of any aggression towards Taiwanese national sovereignty.


 December 28, 2020 

Age of Aquarius Activation Report

" In September 2019, I have warned about Jesuit plans for their version of the financial Reset which they have scheduled for January 2020:

The Jesuits are well versed in astrology, and they knew for a long time that Saturn Pluto conjunction in January 2020 was the greatest opportunity to trigger their plans, and this is when they triggered first public announcements about the coronavirus. Let us explore what is behind their plans.

After the formation of BRICS / Eastern positive alliances in 2014 and 2015, the Jesuits have shifted their main base to China and moved many Cabal agents there. Those agents took many positions within the Chinese government in the 2015-2019 timeframe, and immediately started the project of infiltrating the West:

Most people are not aware that communism is a Jesuit creation:

What is even less known is that some of those Chinese agents infiltrating the West are actually positive Red Dragons posing as CCP members.

Orsini black nobility family is the main force behind pandemics since medieval times when they have engineered the black plague, and also the main force behind vaccination programs.

Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and George Soros, together with certain people at the top levels of Chinese government are their main minions who made the pandemic and lockdowns possible:

To prepare the terrain for the Jesuit version of the Great Reset, which is presented by the Jesuit-educated Klaus Schwab here:

Jesuits lack creativity, and the only thing they managed to do is to steal the idea and to plan for the inverted version of the positive financial Reset:


Jesuit, Rothschild and Rockefeller factions have made trilateral agreements to join forces in their plans:

Nevertheless, the negative Great Reset will NOT be successful:

Although their plans will come very close to actually manifesting:

Meanwhile, positive Dragon forces are working silently behind the scenes. Most of their plans can not be made public yet, the only thing I can say is they are supporting Chinese civilian space exploration, trying to make it accessible to international community in preparations for Disclosure:



 February 17, 2021 

Planetary Situation Update

"Dragon forces on the surface are very active behind the scenes and are taking active countermeasures against the Jesuits and their Great Reset plans."


March 31, 2021 

Planetary Situation Update

" Dragon families and Alliance forces within BRICS countries are making some covert geostrategic moves that will ultimately lead to the fall of the Cabal. The only hint I can give is this:

For those who are interested, reliable sources from Trump's innermost team have said that they have indisputable evidence of election fraud, but now is not the time to present it.



August 24, 2021 

Hold the Light

" Next country the Chinese want to subjugate is Taiwan. China wants to secure its semiconductor and microchip industry. For that purpose, since March they have killed some key positive Dragon members in mainland China and arrested some others. This has weakened the Red Dragon forces in mainland China who have until now been keeping the invasion of Taiwan at bay, as now they have to keep a very low profile in order to survive. This situation is finally being addressed and the Light Forces are taking action to resolve this. "


October 2, 2021 

Hold the Light II

"..On the other hand, the Blue Dragons are quite effective in influencing the Chinese positive factions to start planning building mile-long spaceships:

A certain contact, which had physical and non-physical aspects, was made recently with Agarthan Blue Dragons. They have communicated that they live in an extensive network of underground bases under mainland China which are connected with ultra high speed trains. They are practising an advanced form of Taoism as a spiritual practice and are deeply spiritual people. They sometimes access the surface and are influencing some key politicians in the Chinese communist party. They are doing whatever is within their power to prevent a war between China and Taiwan. They have also communicated that people on the surface that feel a connection with the Agarthan Blue Dragons can try to make a contact in meditations or dreams. "


November 1, 2021 

Flash Overtura Update

Cintamani stone is very important in this time of planetary transformation. Dragons have known it as Ye Ming Zhu, and in India it was known also as Naga-Mani, the glowing Cobra stone:

Together with my team I have decided to prepare one batch of Cintamani stones only for those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors who do not have money to buy one (everybody else who has money can of course still buy them on They will receive the stone for free, they will only need to pay actual shipping costs. These free stones are only meant for personal use, not for burying. If you are from Asia or Australia and would like to receive your stone, please contact . People from North and South America can contact, and people from Europe and Africa can contact . Stones will begin to be shipped in a few weeks.

Victory of the Light!



" Situation in China is a totally different story. A few years ago, Dragon sources have communicated cryptically: “Xi has lost the mandate of heaven”. This has now become mainstream knowledge:

Xi is under heavy Jesuit influence and is trying to hold on to power, becoming more and more dictatorial:

Not everybody in China is happy about this, and the Shanghai clique is trying to remove him from power. This is the real reason behind the Shanghai lockdowns, as Xi is using lockdowns to block the activities of the Shanghai clique:

Although, on average, Chinese people can tolerate more abuse than Westerners, they also have enough, and beneath the surface of the Chinese society, a revolution is brewing:

Chinese financial system is on the verge of collapse, and the authorities are misusing Covid apps to block the citizens from accessing their banks and their money to prevent bank runs:

Xi has also signed a decree to legalize “special military operations”, obviously targeting Taiwan:

As promised, Dragon sources have immediately reacted with disclosure in Chinese mainstream media on the same day:



The awareness of the coming Solar flash is becoming more and more detailed:

And is beginning to reach the mainstream in peculiar ways:

This is why the Black nobility would like to create a world war in 2025:

Dragon sources have communicated that a full scale war escalation will not happen, although things might look scary for a certain amount of time.

Also, reliable sources agree that WEF style dystopian reset will not happen and will cancel itself out before it even begins:


Our Ascension conference in Taiwan was very successful, as it was the energetic trigger that again activated the Dragon families.

It might not be a coincidence that during the conference activities, a meeting between Macron and Xi was taking place in Guangzhou:

This highly symbolic meeting was orchestrated from behind the scenes by the Red and the Blue, and it has effectively decreased the probability for a global conventional war from 38% to 33%: 

The Guqin melody, High mountains and flowing water, sealed the friendship pact between Macron and Xi, and this has effectively started the depolarization and pacification process between the West and the East:

But the story has another, more sinister layer.

The guqin on which the melody was played, was crafted in the year 756, during the height of the Tang dynasty:

It is not a coincidence that this was the exact year of the Donation of Pepin:

In which the secular ruler (now Macron, a Rothschild puppet) ceded territories to the Pope (now Xi, a Jesuit minion).

Another, more positive aspect to the story is that Guangzhou is the most powerful Goddess vortex in China.

During the time of the conference, the Blue Dragons have begun the process of reactivating the Agartha portals around the Himalayas:

and grotto heavens in Taiwan and mainland China:



The conference notes are now available.The official notes are about 80% reliable:

The following notes are about 65% reliable, but you can feel the energy of the conference through them:



Everybody is more than welcome to join our Ascension Conference in Kyoto, the most powerful Dragon vortex in Japan, on July 8th and 9th:

Victory of the Light!


Kyoto conference was a huge success. Our strong and harmonious group has created conditions through which the healing of dragon vortexes can finally begin, starting with the Kyoto dragon vortex. Our group has also made an important connection with the Ashtar Command through which the development of Mjolnir and ATVOR technologies will be greatly accelerated.

You can read notes from the Kyoto conference in English here:

In French here:

In Spanish here: 

In German here: 

And in Arabic here:


Now a certain amount of anomaly has been removed from the surface of the planet, and activation of divine masculine energies can finally begin. This will be greatly supported by incoming Aldebaran space teams.

One focus of this divine masculine activation is the activation of Dragon leylines. Those Dragon leylines mostly follow main mountain ranges on the planet, and a network of Tachyon chambers, a network of Cintamani stones and a network of Galactic Cintamani stones is to be activated there. For those who are searching for guidelines for planting the stones, they are here:

Galactic Cintamani stones will also be activated along the old Atlantean equator. The purpose of those Galactic Cintamanis will be to heal subquantum anomaly and bring in the energy of the goddess Iona.

All this is a part of the New Atlantis project which was initiated by Saint Germain years ago.

Mjolnir technology is now at about 7% capacity, and its intensity will greatly increase in the coming months. One aspect of this Mjolnir boost will be activation of various tektites, among them Cintamanis, Galactic Cintamanis, Moldavites and Tibetan tektites.

There is a great deal of misinformation present in the scientific community about the origin of tektites, assuming their terrestrial origins, with some of those beautiful cosmic stones being degraded even further to pseudotektites.

Tektites are, indeed, coming from interstellar space:

They were formed in various star systems where angelic beings were trying to manifest a planet from etheric plane into the physical plane, and during manifestation process that planet encountered quantum anomaly and exploded. Fragments of that explosion were scattered in all directions and some of them came to Earth as tektites:



Those tektites contain high vibrational codes from the star races from the star systems they originate from: Cintamanis from Sirius, Moldavites from Pleiades, Galactic Cintamanis from a solar system near the Galactic center, …

As already mentioned, there are also ultra rare Tibetan tektites from Aldebaran, and somewhat more common Tibetan tektites from Andromeda, found in Ali (Ngari) region of Tibet which are mostly opaque ad sometimes have a violet hue. There are also ultra super rare Tibetan tektites that are found on Tibetan side of Himalayan mountain range that will have a very special function in the coming years which needs to remain classified. Vast majority of tektites that are publicly sold as “Tibetan tektites” are in reality coming from Vietnam. Genuine Tibetan tektites are very hard to find.



July 4, 2024


Also on the surface of the planet, different positive Dragon groups are being activated energetically. To participate in this process, you are more than welcome to join our Rise of the Dragons workshop in Taiwan:

Or in Malaysia:




 July 27, 2024


  • [ A Minute later ]



  • [ For A Visual ]


August 4, 2024 

Dragon Activation


Disentanglement testing phase is proceeding well and it is expected to be completed in about a week. After that, the process of disentanglement of humanity from the Lurker will begin with full force.

In preparation for this process, the planetary etheric network of Light had to be prepared and properly activated. For this reason, a special Dragon leyline activation was taking place between July 11th and 22nd.

During this timeframe, Dragon leylines around the whole planet were activated, with the main focus in Asia, and especially on the Tibetan Dragon leyline:



Dragon activation workshops were held in Asia during that time, and you can read the notes here:

These workshops were accompanied by many signs in the sky.

Multiple rainbow in Hong Kong on July 11th:



Solar flame cloud in Malaysia on July 18th, just after the workshop:



Multiple rainbow in Hong Kong on July 20th:



And a violet storm in Lhasa just after the activation of Tibetan Dragon leyline on July 21st:

After the successful activation of Dragon leylines, various factions of Agartha network, especially in Asia, are becoming more active, beginning their preparations for the Compression Breakthrough.

I will now mention some of those factions.

Blue Dragon Agartha (青龙洞天) network was created during Tang dynasty. First, emperor Xuanzong connected grotto heavens with Taoist temples:



This has created a network of highly efficient entrances into the underworld. At that time, many Taoist masters have reached advance spiritual stage. During An Lushan rebellion, almost all of them were forced to leave the surface as it became too dangerous:

They went underground through the freshly created network of entrances, and then created an underground civilization of Light based on advanced Taoist principles. There they discovered an ancient Atlantean network with advanced technology. They now exist below central China and are cooperating with the Aldebarans, Antarians and Andromedans. Their main vortex point through which they influence the surface is Wuhan.

Red Dragon Agartha (红龙洞天) network was created after China (especially Beijing) fell under Manchu occupation of Qing dynasty:

After the battle of Beijing, the capital was lost to the Ming, and many military leaders and Taoist priest went underground to form a subterranean Red Dragon network under Beijing:

This network still exists under Beijing. They have a strong military cooperation with Aldebarans and Andromedans. Nothing more can be said at this time.

Dragon Gate Agartha (龙门洞天) network was created during Song dynasty by master Changchun:

Its main location is Sichuan province with Chengdu as the main vortex.

There is another Agartha faction in Fujian province about which nothing can be said at this time.

In Tibet, the main Agartha stronghold is in the western end of the Kunlun mountains. This network has the main base under the nexus of main planetary Dragon leylines:



It is 26,000 years old, and has a strong connection to the Galactic Central Race. It also connects to the western underground Atlantean network and indirectly to the Resistance Movement.

It has an underground outpost which territorially corresponds with the extent of the Guge kingdom:

It has another outpost at another location under Tibet, which still needs to remain classified.

Unfortunately, there is also a negative Agartha network with main stronghold on Tibetan high plateau just south of Kunlun mountains, and a small network of underground bases around the planet.

The core of this network are negative Andromedans that came to this planet 26,000 years ago and now exist in a huge underground base under a small insignificant Buddhist monastery in northern Tibet. They were additionally reinforced by a small number of extremely negative beings from another Universe during the Archon invasion in 1996.

They are very well versed in the occult and can manipulate nonphysical planes around the Earth to a degree. They closely cooperate with the Lurker.

They have a big Dragon statue made from green Hetian jade which is quantumly entangled with all pieces of jade on the planet, and through this they manipulate Dragon leylines. Light Forces are now using ATVOR technology to quantumly disentangle all jade on this planet and this process is expected to be completed in a little bit over a month. After that, jade can be used for the positive energy work by the Lightworkers.

They greatly influence the Black nobility families through the negative Order of the Green Dragons:

Some key top members of the Black nobility families have to go to the underground bases in Tibet to receive trauma based mind control training.

They influence China through the Green Gang:

They influence India through negative Buddhist sects.

They influence Japan through the Black Dragon society:

They were responsible for the creation of Unit 731:

They were responsible for the fall of the Romanov dynasty:

They were supporting Hitler:

Since July 21st, the Light Forces have started operations to remove this network, and it will be gone soon.


There is a Dragon meditation which you can join if you feel so guided:




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